Pc dying light trainer
Pc dying light trainer

pc dying light trainer

Below, you can check out the PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One video comparison. Other than this, Dying Light looks beautiful at times, especially during in-game sunset. All these issues reportedly affect the Xbox One more than the PlayStation 4. There are also some notable pop-in issues that put textures, zombies, or other random objects on screen in front of you. There are some technical issues that affects Dying Light’s gameplay on both consoles, such as screen tearing, which, fortunately, does not seem to affect parkour one of the most important elements of the game. In-game texture quality, character models, and foliage look identical on both console versions. The shadow maps seem similar and of higher quality with screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) applied. In terms of in-game visual assets and alpha effects, the game performs very similarly on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


Read: Error Fixes for Dying Light PC Stuttering, FPS Drops, Lag, DLL Crash, Sound Issues, and Moreĭying Light uses SMAA-T2x (Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing) anti-aliasing solution on consoles, and the result is that you don’t see much jaggies and rough edges, although there are some places where it seems like the solution isn’t working properly to eliminate jaggies.

pc dying light trainer

Both the consoles offer an immersive gameplay, but at times, when you are surrounded by a ton of zombies in the game, you can experience a few frame drops.


First off, courtesy of GamingBolt, we have a video comparison between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game, both of which, run at 1080p resolution with 30 frames per second. Of course, a visual comparison between PC and the latest consoles for a major triple A video game title is something unavoidable now, so here are some screenshots and a video that compare the visual fidelity and performance of Dying Light across all three platforms. Offering a vast open world to explore from first-person perspective and climb almost any obstacle, the game has been well optimized both visually and technically for PC and the latest video game console, and despite some common bugs and glitches, it runs quite smoothly on PC once you set it up properly and work out all the initial errors. Techland has put a great amount of work into the production of Dying Light, a survival horror video game title that improves heavily on the previous zombie games, Dead Island series, from the developer.


Dying Light Screenshot and Video Comparison Shows Notable Differences Between PC and PS4 Versions of the Game - Performs Quite Similarly on Both Consoles Shared below is a screenshot comparison between the PC and PlayStation 4 versions of Dying Light, along with a video comparison between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of the game showing how it has been visually optimized for each platform. You might already be slaying zombies in Techland’s brand new open world survival horror video game called Dying Light, but you can always put some time aside to see how your platform handles the game compared to the other two latest platforms the game has been released for.

Pc dying light trainer